Oracle's Jakarta EE 9 Proposal: Pruned Specs and a Big Bang

The Eclipse Foundation announced the released the Eclipse Jakarta EE 8 specification just over two months ago and we’re already seeing the solidifying outlines of Jakarta EE 9 -- not especially fast by current release-cadence standards, but warp speed when you consider how enterprise Java had languished before the Foundation accepted the stewardship of the platform two years ago.


Posted by John K. Waters on October 22, 20190 comments

Justice Department: Say ‘No’ to Google on Java Copyright Petition

The U.S. Justice Department has urged the Supreme Court to deny Google's latest petition to review rulings that the Alphabet subsidiary infringed on Oracle's copyrights to Java code -- rulings that could cost Google billions.

This petition keeps alive the nine-year legal struggle over 37 Java APIs Google used to develop its Android operating system, which Oracle has maintained were copyrighted, and for the violation of which Oracle is demanding $9 billion in damages. The courts have gone back and forth on the issues in this case, but eventually came down on the side of Oracle's claim.


Posted by John K. Waters on October 9, 20190 comments

Oracle Reviews the Java Rapid Release Cadence: So Far, So Good

One of the most-mentioned keynote topics at this year's Oracle OpenWorld-adjacent Code One 2019 conference, wrapping up this week in San Francisco, was the rapid release cadence for Java SE and the JDK, which Oracle announced in 2017 and launched in March of last year.


Posted by John K. Waters on September 20, 20190 comments

Q&A: Eclipse Foundation's Milinkovich on the Road to Jakarta EE 8

The Eclipse Foundation today announced the released the first Jakarta EE specification, almost exactly two years after Oracle declared its intention to transfer the responsibility for enterprise Java to that open source standards organization.


Posted by John K. Waters on September 10, 20190 comments

Eclipse Foundation Gears Up for Enterprise Java Release with JakartaOne Live Stream

The Eclipse Foundation is gearing up for the Sept. 10 release of Jakarta EE 8, the first version of the enterprise Java platform under the Foundation's stewardship, with, among other things, a livestream event.

The JakartaOne Livestream is a one-day virtual conference aimed at developers and technical business leaders interested in "the current state and future of Jakarta EE and related technologies," with a focus on developing cloud native Java applications.


Posted by John K. Waters on August 14, 20190 comments

Jelastic Extends Support for Java Runtimes

Jelastic, the Java-focused cloud hosting platform provider, today announced new support for several Java runtimes, including AdoptOpenJDK, Liberica, Zulu, Corretto, OpenJ9 and GraalVM.


Posted by John K. Waters on August 13, 20190 comments

Proposal to Migrate JDK from Mercurial to Git Gets a JEP

Call it "A Tale of Two Repositories."

Mercurial is a free, cross-platform, distributed version-control system (SVM), and current host of the source files and change histories of most JDK projects since 2008. Git is the free, cross-platform, distributed version-control system that is almost certain to become the new home of those repositories.


Posted by John K. Waters on July 17, 20190 comments

Rebooting OpenJDK Mobile

Is it time to "reboot" the OpenJDK Mobile Project, which focused on porting the JDK to iOS, Android, and the now deceased Windows Mobile? Johan Vox, co-founder of Gluon, a Belgium-based mobile solutions, and a Java Champion, thinks so.


Posted by John K. Waters on July 10, 20190 comments

Eclipse SimRel-2019-06 Now Available

The Eclipse Foundation announced the latest of its stepped-up simultaneous project releases last week. SimRel-2019-06, its second quarterly release, comprises 76 projects, including the latest Eclipse IDE. Actually, the entire list is simply considered part of the Eclipse IDE 2019-06 release train.


Posted by John K. Waters on June 26, 20190 comments